6 Marketing ideas to boom in 2021

6 Marketing ideas to boom in 2021
6 Marketing ideas to boom in 2021

Finlay Mure

Brands & Communications
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As we approach the new year, now is the time for eCommerce professionals like you to take a look at your marketing strategy. But what tactics will reap the best rewards?

Take a look at these marketing strategies you can incorporate into your eCommerce business to make it boom in 2021.

1. Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy that takes time to build results but is respectable and reliable as it adds value to your website like a smooth, wide road delivering traffic to your door. Content is written with SEO and SEM in mind to build rapport and converts visitors to customers and leads to sales.

It also establishes your voice and brand presence in the market as knowledgeable and supportive by creating helpful content on topics of interest. This could be in the form of blogs, guest articles, guides, eBooks, and more.

The right eCommerce platform tool will put all of this at your fingertips and will play well with other services you may be using as well.

2. Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimisation (SEO)

SEM refers to paid advertising and promotion of your business on search engines through pay-per-click ads and using keywords that reflect your eCommerce business that advertisers bid on in ad auctions. The winning advertiser pays for click-throughs pertaining to those keywords.

As with content marketing and SEM, SEO results are slowly built up over time as you work to embed your company’s metadata into organic search results relating to your industry, website, brand, and product to elevate your business awareness ranking and to land on the first page of Google and other search engines. This metadata appears on search engine result pages (SERPs). But it’s not just words being optimised. Don’t forget about optimising your photos and videos too.

That may sound dry and old hat – but it’s amazing how many gaps eCommerce professionals can leave when things get really busy, and the orders are flying in. Ensure your eCommerce platform is able to help alleviate the burden so you can tackle these ‘must-have’ tasks.

3. SMS usage

In 2018, a massive 98% of SMS messages received were opened, while email marketing messages only garnered an opening rate of 18% worldwide. According to an etrend article, Statista revealed in 2020, 3.9 billion people use email every day, and the stat is projected to grow to 4.3 billion by 2023.

And a 2019 stat by Campaign Monitor states, “Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue.”

Since the pandemic, you’ve probably noticed your inbox is extra full of marketing emails. With so many websites requiring you to provide your email for access to their services and information, could SMS be the secret to getting seen?

According to TechJury people respond to text messages 209% more than to email, Facebook, or phone. And 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes.

SMS doesn’t stop at marketing, but also feeds into the customer experience after a sale. You need to be able to listen and answer your consumer needs. Communication is key, customer service is key.

BetterCommerce understands this need and we have included an artificially intelligent bot that allows users to check their order status via any communication channel – Skype, email, SMS or Facebook messenger so you can engage wherever they feel the most comfortable.

4. Affiliate marketing

It’s easily accessible. Individualised marketers, such as influencers and bloggers, earn a percentage from the profits of products they sell for your business through methods like pay-per-click (PPC) or per lead, etc.

Influencers do well on the likes of Instagram because of the platform’s visibility and connectivity P2P in a global forum. It’s effective on a wide range of ages, including children through gaming and YouTube channels.

Affiliate marketing is economical because of its casual, work-from-home, freelance format. It performs well for working remotely too, and it cuts down on overhead, buy-in, and risk.

5. Consumer/user experience (UX) marketing

This is where your storefront, your platform, your brand and products come together to create the user experience onsite. This is where you must shine. The rest of your marketing strategy is about driving them to the front door.

Your platform needs to provide your business with the capabilities to keep the consumer engaged. Your site should have a fluid, interactive design, navigable connectivity page-to-page, quick speed, a seamless, and a simple checkout process.

You will likely be needing to manage omnichannel shopping with multiple purchase and delivery options. That’s why you need the back and front end to work seamlessly. You need both a simple & intuitive system that is easy to learn and operate by non-technical individuals, as well as attractive aesthetics.

All this will come together to create a great UX experience, which means no abandoned shopping carts or quick exits. You want repeat customers with a brand loyalty they’re not afraid to recommend to others.

6. Personalisation and retargeting

By personalising your marketing strategy for your individual customers, you can tailor-make emails, offers, product recommendations, and sales geared to their shopping behaviours, such as their browsing and purchase histories.

BetterCommerce gives you all the features you need to manage your Sales, Merchandising, Inventory, Purchasing, Operations, Logistics, Customer Experience and Marketing so that you can create amazing customer experiences and maximise revenues.

Because BetterCommerce is based on a completely open REST API architecture, creativity to innovate is not limited by technology or development. Using our APIs, you can extend anything you like, integrate new technologies, and customise your store however you like. Personalisation and retargeting for ecommerce is an important factor when it comes to a good marketing plan. 

In conclusion

All of these strategies come together to deliver the kingpin punch on your target consumer because it provides them with the personalised experience they are looking for.

Do you want an omnichannel, offline-online integrated, scalable & robust tech solution?

The eCommerce platform you choose needs to have the capacity to cater to your marketing needs. BetterCommerce is designed to grow with the demands of your business. With a feature set including advanced marketing and promotional capabilities, backed by customer insights, you’ll get closer to your customers and see them convert.

Reach us today to learn more.

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