PIM vs. PXM: Know the Differences

PIM vs. PXM: Know the Differences
PIM vs. PXM: Know the Differences

Prasenjit Dey

Content Writer

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When it comes to eCommerce, both B2B and B2C customers expect more than just online shopping. They demand seamless experiences tailored to their needs. This urgency drives businesses worldwide to prioritize personalized and frictionless product journeys to attract and convert visitors into customers.

In today’s competitive retail market, multiple modern solutions exist, but our focus today is on Product Information Management (PIM) and Product Experience Management (PXM). Let's delve into their similarities and differences.

Businesses using the PIM tool help to deliver a 20-50% increase in online conversions.

What is a PIM?

Imagine a business that offers a wide range of fashion products, such as shirts, trousers, dresses, and accessories. With a diverse product inventory, each item boasts unique attributes like size, color, material, style, and price. 

You can implement a PIM system to:


  • Handle product data efficiently.
  • Centralize the storage and management of product-related information.
  • Enable enrichment and product data syndication across various platforms, facilitating seamless listing on eCommerce sites through automation.
  • Deliver superior product experiences by ensuring data accuracy, enrichment, and timeliness.
  • Expedite the introduction of new products, bolstering organizations' competitive edge by facilitating swift updates and launches across multiple channels.
According to the Webinarcare Report, Product Information Management is 100% concentrated on managing product information, often used for marketing and merchandising purposes.

PIM has become a vital tool for retailers, where purchasing decisions hinge on reliable product information. From product descriptions to images and visual assets, PIM systems enrich data to provide customers with up-to-date information. 
By automating the addition of supplementary information like reviews, ratings, and product comparisons, PIM empowers customers to make informed purchasing decisions, further amplifying its value in modern retail environments.

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Product Information Management (PIM)

What is a PXM?

Sure! Product Experience Management (PXM) in eCommerce refers to curating and enhancing product information to create engaging and consistent experiences for shoppers across various channels.

It involves managing product data, images, descriptions, and other content to ensure accuracy, relevance, and appeal to customers. PXM helps businesses showcase their products effectively, improving customer satisfaction, increasing conversions, and driving sales.


  • PXM is a cutting-edge approach to crafting and maintaining captivating product experiences.
  • PXM focuses on the entire consumer journey, from discovery to purchase. It involves creating, optimizing, and sharing product content across various channels, such as social media, online markets, and eCommerce sites.
  • With marketing automation and customer segmentation features, PXM tailors product experiences to individual preferences and past behaviors.
  • By leveraging PXM software, businesses can elevate customer experiences, enhance brand recognition, and boost sales revenue. It empowers organizations to create personalized product experiences that resonate with customers and cultivate brand loyalty.


PIM vs PXM: Differences

To select the ideal solution based on your requirements and scenarios, it's essential to grasp the differences between PXM and PIM. Here are some of the major differences between PIM and PXM:

Key Aspects   PIM PXM
DefinitionPIM is a centralized hub for all your product information and digital assets. It gathers, stores, manages, enriches, and distributes everything to your various sales channels from a single location. PXM harnesses your understanding of both products and customers to offer a customer-centric, personalized, multichannel, or omnichannel experience, guided by search and powered by social interactions, to attract and convert shoppers.
Purpose It manages and organizes product data, including product characteristics, descriptions, pricing, and inventories, across various channels and procedures.    It aims to improve all aspects of the customer experience by offering suggestions, interactions, and tailored and exciting content.
Data Focus    PIM controls and maintains product data’s accuracy, completeness, and consistency. PXM focuses on utilizing that data to provide meaningful and pertinent customer experiences.
Features    PIM tools offer capabilities such as data modeling, integration, and enrichment. They can streamline workflows, syndicate product data, and auto-enrich product assets.  PXM systems have customer segmentation, customization, digital asset management, and content management capabilities.
Primary Users PIM systems are suitable for content experts, merchandisers, and product managers in charge of developing and maintaining product data. The marketing teams, digital experience professionals, and customer engagement managers who build and optimize customer experiences employ PXM platforms.

Also Read: Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right PIM 

Why is PIM an Important Part of PXM?

One major advantage of using a Product Information Management system for your product experiences is that it simplifies the management of all your product information, from descriptions to images and videos.

With this system, you can maintain consistency across all aspects of your products, including branding and messaging, resulting in a superior overall experience for your customers. 

Here are some reasons why PIM is an important part of PXM:


  • Using PIM for PXM enhances the customer experience by ensuring businesses deliver precise and consistent product information, handle customer feedback effectively, and continuously improve their products. This ultimately enables companies to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.
  • PIM systems assist businesses in efficiently handling their product data and essential business information, guaranteeing accuracy, completeness, and consistency across every platform. They establish a vital groundwork for PXM, facilitating businesses in offering customers a uniform and positive experience across all interactions.
  • Utilizing PIM for PXM empowers businesses to refine their product offerings, pinpointing fresh avenues for expansion and ensuring consistent delivery of top-notch customer experiences.
  • A key advantage of employing product information management for PXM is the ability to craft personalized customer experiences. With PIM, businesses can collect and structure data about their products and customers, empowering them to customize their marketing strategies and promotional content according to shoppers' specific needs.
  • In a PIM system, product data contains detailed metadata describing products. This information helps build comprehensive customer profiles, capturing product preferences, browsing and purchase history, and other essential details. With this contextual data, marketers can provide personalized experiences at every customer journey stage.


When powered by PIM, contextualization provides deeper customer insights and offers more relevant, customized experiences. This approach enables organizations to better fulfill their customers' needs and propel business growth through an enhanced PXM strategy.



PIM and PXM are crucial elements of a successful eCommerce strategy; both are essential for optimal implementation.
PXM focuses on delivering the appropriate products to the intended audience. A successful PXM enhances the customer journey by offering enriched content and elevating customer satisfaction. It's the PXM solution that draws in and keeps customers engaged.

A PIM solution is a technology that centralizes product data management. With a PIM system, you can gather, update, and share product information across various channels. Implementing PIM establishes a robust foundation for a digital business model and eliminates the need for manual data handling.

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