When to Embrace Omnichannel Commerce? A Complete Checklist

When to Embrace Omnichannel Commerce? A Complete Checklist
Note: Integrated shopping experience across different touchpoints.
When to Embrace Omnichannel Commerce? A Complete Checklist

Aditi Tripathi

Content Writer

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The number of touchpoints consumers are using nowadays is increasing at a rapid pace, thanks to technology. Consumers are not just asking for convenience; they are shopping with a purpose. In such a scenario, it becomes even more crucial for businesses to provide granular information to them.

This would have been an easier task in the mid-2000s when retailers just needed to collect, clean, and publish consistent product content for consumers. Now, things have gotten a lot more complex. To enhance the customer experience, retailers need to know not just what consumers are buying, but also how and where they’re buying and receiving their products. Plus, the line between physical and digital experiences is blurring. Digital devices are popping up in stores (VR, is one instance) and customers expect the same level of convenience in-store as they get online.

It’s high time that businesses master the retail game to meet these changing needs and expectations. Moreover, it’s time to accept that omnichannel is not merely a buzzword—it’s the new standard in the business world.

But when is the right time to dive into omnichannel commerce, and how can you ensure that this transition is smooth and successful? Let’s explore the ins and outs of omnichannel commerce, and how you can get it right!

Every year, inefficiency results in companies losing anywhere between 20% to 30% of their revenue.

When to ‘Not’ Opt for Omnichannel Commerce?

Yes, it is true that businesses with an omnichannel approach see an increase in annual revenue growth of 9.5%. However, there are a few aspects that businesses might want to reassess or postpone implementing an omnichannel strategy. Below mentioned are a few of the many scenarios:

  • Limited Resources:

The business should focus on improving its current channels if it does not have the necessary financial, technological, or human resources to implement and maintain an omnichannel strategy.

  • Underdeveloped Online Presence:

Without a solid online foundation, businesses may face difficulties in implementing an omnichannel strategy. It is advisable to first establish a strong online presence and ecommerce platform before branching out to other channels.

  • Complex Product Offerings:

If a business operates in a field where complex or tailored products are sold, and these products require significant in-person interaction and consultation, employing an omnichannel strategy could create more challenges than it solves.

  • Operational Inefficiencies:

As per the IDC, every year, inefficiency results in companies losing anywhere between 20% to 30% of their revenue. It becomes even more crucial for businesses to address any operational inefficiencies it has, such as problems with inventory management, order fulfilment, or customer service, before introducing any further complexity of multiple sales channels.

  • Short-Term Focus:

A business that is primarily concerned with quick profits or short-term objectives should not invest in the long-term elements needed for a successful omnichannel strategy.

Prior to embarking on an omnichannel approach, businesses should carefully analyse their current capabilities, market dynamics, and long-term aspirations to ascertain if they are ready to handle the complexities and demands of omnichannel commerce. If you think you have thoroughly evaluated and met the criteria mentioned above, you might be ready to enter the world of omnichannel commerce!

Need Omnichannel Commerce Success? Key Areas You Don’t Want to Miss Out! 

To achieve success in omnichannel commerce, businesses need to have a thorough understanding of the various facets that contribute to a seamless customer experience. Here are the key areas that demand your attention: 

1. Channels

To implement successful omnichannel solutions, businesses must integrate both online and offline channels for a seamless customer experience. Around 56% of global consumers use an average of three of the four essential shopping channels, including mobile, online, social media, and in-store. 

Online channels, like websites and mobile apps, offer convenience and accessibility, allowing customers to browse, purchase, and receive personalized recommendations anytime, anywhere. 

Offline channels, such as physical stores and events, provide tactile and immersive experiences, enabling customers to interact with products in person. However, the key to success lies in integrating these channels to provide a cohesive and seamless experience. 

By ensuring that online and offline channels are connected and share consistent messaging and branding, businesses can create a truly omnichannel experience for their customers.

2. Operations

Operations play a crucial role in implementing an omnichannel commerce strategy, ensuring a seamless customer experience through efficient supply chain and customer service operations.

The supply chain is key to promptly delivering products from suppliers to customers. Optimizing supply chain processes ensures product availability across all channels and supports real-time inventory tracking. It enables various fulfilment options like buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS), and same-day delivery, enhancing customer convenience and satisfaction. Effective supply chain management also allows for better demand forecasting and scalability.

Customer service must be consistent and high-quality across all channels to address customer issues promptly, handle efficient returns and exchanges, and provide personalized support.

Identifying and addressing operational pain points is essential for a smooth customer journey, allowing businesses to make necessary improvements.

3. Marketing

Effective marketing is crucial for driving customer engagement and brand awareness in omnichannel commerce. Businesses should leverage various channels and strategies to reach their target audience and create a cohesive brand experience.

  • Digital marketing: Utilize social media, SEO, and online advertising to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to online channels.
  • Email marketing: Stay in touch with customers through personalized recommendations and promotions, nurturing relationships and driving sales cost-effectively.
  • Target audience: Identify and understand your target audience's demographics, behaviours, and preferences to tailor marketing messages and strategies effectively.

Combining these strategies helps businesses create a strong online presence and engage with their audience through multiple touchpoints. 

4. Fulfilment

Fulfilment is a critical aspect of having an omnichannel solution, as it ensures that customers have a seamless experience when shopping online or in-store.

For online shopping, businesses need to ensure that the ordering process and delivery are smooth and efficient. This includes providing accurate product information, easy-to-navigate websites, and timely delivery options.

For brick-and-mortar stores, businesses need to create a seamless experience that combines the convenience of online shopping with the tactile experience of in-person browsing. This could include offering services such as click-and-collect or buy online and return in-store.

By focusing on fulfilment and creating a seamless experience, businesses can maximise customer satisfaction and loyalty, whether customers are shopping online or in-store.

A Checklist for Omnichannel Commerce

Did you catch this eye-opening fact? A staggering 72% of consumers feel frustrated when their shopping experience lacks personalization. If you want to keep your customers happy and engaged, mastering omnichannel commerce is absolutely essential. 

Take a peek at these vital steps you need to ace to keep your customers coming back for more:

#1 Select a Tightly Integrated Tech Stack 
A tech stack refers to the combination of technologies and software applications that businesses use to operate their online and offline channels.

A tightly integrated tech stack ensures that all channels are seamlessly connected and share data in real time. This allows businesses to provide a consistent and personalised customer experience across different touchpoints.

For example, a customer may browse products on a mobile app and then make a purchase in-store. With a tightly integrated tech stack, the customer's browsing history and preferences can be seamlessly transferred to the in-store system, allowing for a personalised and cohesive experience.

#2 Sync Your Sales Strategies

By aligning sales strategies, businesses can ensure that customers have a consistent experience, regardless of which channel they engage with. This includes maintaining consistent branding, messaging, and pricing across all channels allowing customers to switch between channels.

Consistency in sales strategies is crucial for building trust and loyalty with customers. When customers have a consistent and positive brand experience, they are more likely to become repeat customers and advocates for the brand.

#3 Let the Analytics Do the Magic

In omnichannel commerce, businesses need to use analytics to gain actionable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. By leveraging data analytics, businesses can make data-driven decisions that improve customer experience and drive business growth.

By using analytics, businesses can better understand their customers and their needs, allowing them to provide a more personalised and relevant experience. This leads to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, better business outcomes.

#4 Automation is the Key

In omnichannel commerce, automation plays a crucial role in streamlining processes and improving customer satisfaction. By making the most of automation tools and technologies, businesses can automate repetitive tasks and provide a more efficient and seamless experience for customers.

One area where automation can be particularly beneficial is in marketing. By implementing marketing automation, businesses can automate tasks such as email campaigns, personalized messaging, and customer segmentation.

#5 Keep Customers in the Loop

Engaging and updating customers is essential in omnichannel commerce as it helps build stronger relationships with them. 

One way to engage customers is through push notifications. By sending timely and relevant push notifications, businesses can keep customers updated about new products, promotions, and personalised recommendations. This helps to maintain top-of-mind awareness and encourages repeat purchases.

Engaging customers also involves actively seeking their feedback and responding to their needs. By listening to customers and addressing their concerns, businesses can show that they value their input and are committed to providing the best possible experience. 


The importance of a well-thought omnichannel marketing strategy cannot be overstated. Understanding what is omnichannel marketing and seamlessly integrating all your platforms helps you create an unforgettable experience for your targeted consumers. Because it’s not just about selling, it’s about wowing them at every step of their journey!

Why does it matter? Well, because it's a game-changer! By bringing together your online and offline worlds, you're not just boosting sales, you're building trustworthy and ever-lasting relationships. Consistency is your secret weapon here. Whether it's your brand's voice echoing across channels or making sure your mobile users feel just as special as the folks in-store, it's all about consumer-centric. 

But hey, it's not all smoke and mirrors. It's about getting down to the nitty-gritty too. Analyse, automate, and update – that's your mantra. Dive into those numbers, let automation do the heavy lifting, and always stay one step ahead of the curve. Let's revolutionise commerce with an omnichannel approach that dazzles customers at every touchpoint!

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